
Webinars 2024-10-02T10:09:02-04:00

A Political Roadmap for the Day After: A Conversation with Dr. Omer Zanany of the Mitvim Institute

The Israel-Hamas War and International Law

The Israel-Hamas War – Where is it Headed?

The Israeli Left in a Center Right Government.: Is There a Sweet Spot between Principles & Pragmatism

The Sheikh Jarrah & Silwan Evictions: An Update Briefing from Meretz MK Gaby Lasky

The Palestinian Political Arena: Where Do Things Stand? What Lies Ahead?

Anti-Semitism – What It Is, What It Isn’t

Biden, Trump, Israel, Palestine

In Memory of Prof. Ze’ev Sternhell z”l: His Life and Work

Beyond One State vs. Two States: A Path to Confederation and A Land for All

From Fringe to Mainstream: How the Rightwing Marketed Annexation

The Perils of Annexation

Dialogue Meeting: Stories of Bereavement and Hope

The Effects of Annexation on Communities & Families

Israel’s Palestinian Arab Minority Amid the Pandemic

Peter Beinart on Annexation: Zionism and Democracy in a post-Two State Solution World

Politics and Pandemic: Israel’s Twin Crises

Israel Update with MK Tamar Zandberg

“Deal of the Century”: What Now for the Israeli Left?

Giving Power to Our Principles: The 2020 World Zionist Congress Elections

Election Update with Meretz MK Tamar Zandberg

Can Progressive Americans Contribute to a Revival of the Israeli Left?

Gaza: Solutions in the Absence of a Two-State Solution?

What Lies Ahead for Israel? A Post-Election Briefing

Women, Judaism, and Israel

Strange Bedfellows: Can Settlers and Leftists Work Together for Peace?

Palestinian-Israelis in a Jewish State: Dilemmas of Identity and Politics

Jerusalem: Myths and Realities

The Israeli Left After the 2019 Election

Boycott Disinvestment Sanctions (BDS): An In-depth Conversation

In Honor of International Women’s Day: Women Organizing for a Better Israel

The Race for Knesset – the Struggle for Israel’s Soul with Akiva Eldar

Beyond Two States: Is Confederation the Solution to the Israel-Palestine Conflict?

Inequality in the Holy City: Palestinians, Jews, and Jerusalem

Power and Possibility: Women’s Leadership in the US and Israel today