Prevent Israel’s Far-Right from Hijacking the War

Prevent Israel’s Far-Right from Hijacking the War

We Must Prevent Israels Far-Right from Hijacking the War

Jewish Israelis in; Palestinians out: That, in a nutshell, is the nightmarish day after” plan for the Gaza Strip that the Israeli far-right has been hatching over the last three-plus months.

This past Sunday, that plan moved out of the shadows and into the limelight: At the Binyanei Hauma conference center in Jerusalem, thousands of attendees joined roughly one-third of Netanyahus Cabinet and almost half the members of his Knesset coalition at a public event that bore the triumphal title: Conference for the Victory of Israel – Settlement Brings Security: Returning to the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria.”

The title conveniently omitted reference to the second core part of the plan – the mass removal of Palestinians from Gaza. Such displacement, weve been told in recent weeks, would not be coerced, but achieved via so-called voluntary” large-scale emigration – a supposedly humanitarian” effort that would allow Gazans to flee the now-devastated Strip.

But no one should be fooled – the Israeli far-right, heirs to the expulsion and transfer” movements of Meir Kahane and Rehavam Zeevi, has no benign intent. Indeed, Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, a member of Netanyahus Likud, made clear at the conference that displacement is a price” that Israel must exact, and that voluntary” emigration actually means a situation you impose”. Orwellian!

In reaction to the conference, some have sought to reassure the world that the far-rights plan is fringe”; that Israels government will never let this happen and that theres no cause for alarm. We demur. Dror Etkes of Kerem Navot (an NGO recently featured in our Kolot: Voices of Hope series) told the Wall Street Journal, for example, that the threat is very real, and that Hamass attack had given extremist views in Israel a serious boost”. In addition, while the plan does not yet reflect the stated policy of Prime Minister Netanyahu, the forces of the Israeli far-right are his main allies and have significant sway in his coalition and even within his own party. It is by no means unimaginable that a beleaguered, indicted Bibi”, fighting for his political survival, could yet greenlight at least an initial phase of the plan.

Israelis have rightly been grieving since October 7, and we grieve with them. They badly yearn for much-needed security. And it is precisely this emotional turmoil and national trauma that Israels far-right actors are now seeking to cynically exploit to their racist ends. We must continue to raise our voices so that their pernicious plan is not allowed to ever come to fruition.

We invite you to share these thoughts with others who would find them of interest, and we welcome comments and questions on our webpage, where they have also been published.

By | 2024-02-05T12:37:20-05:00 February 5th, 2024|American Jewish community, Annexation, Palestinians, Peace, The Occupation|3 Comments


  1. Barbara’ Klestzick February 5, 2024 at 7:02 pm - Reply

    This is so terrible. I still have trouble believing this.
    We must stop it.

  2. Barbara Klestzick February 5, 2024 at 7:06 pm - Reply

    I think the threat is very real. We must stop it from happening

  3. Rosemary Graham-Gardner February 6, 2024 at 1:28 am - Reply

    Israel is committing a horrible genocide..This is an insult to the many Jews who do not agree with Bibi..who is a fascist bastard!

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