‘Why I’m Voting Meretz’

‘Why I’m Voting Meretz’

Ellis Shuman
Ellis Shuman
Interesting piece (“Why I’m Voting Meretz“) by Ellis Shuman, that just appeared in The Times of Israel:

…. Today’s government offers no hope. While nodding their acceptance of a two-state solution, our leaders have put the Palestinian problem on the back burner, where it will only serve to boil up and explode in the next round of violence. Our leaders call for a return to the negotiations table, but have no intentions of actually negotiating. They say there should be no preconditions for talks, but they set Israel’s preconditions in stone every day. …
Meretz was the only Zionist party that called on Israel to vote in favor of the Palestinian request to upgrade their status at the United Nations. A Palestinian state is in Israel’s interest. …
The [other] parties on the left [and center] are led by failed politicians and television stars, more interested in their egos than in uniting in the national interest. …
Only Meretz has stayed true to its principles, no matter how popular or unpopular they may be. Peace with the Palestinians. Human rights. Religious freedom. Protecting the environment. …

By | 2012-12-04T11:49:00-05:00 December 4th, 2012|Blog|0 Comments

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