An open letter from global Jewry to WIZO, Maccabi and Hadassah

An open letter from global Jewry to WIZO, Maccabi and Hadassah

An open letter from global Jewry to WIZO, Maccabi and Hadassah: Vote against the harmful resolution which will allow the KKL-JNF to purchase Palestinian land in the West Bank and further entrench the occupation



The KKL-JNF has purchased Palestinian land in the West Bank through subsidiary organisations for years – without the approval of its board of directors and against JNF policies which state that it cannot purchase land in the West Bank. However, the KKL-JNF’s new management has put forward a resolution to officially adopt plans allowing it to openly buy Palestinian land in the West Bank.

On Thursday 22nd April, board members who represent Israeli political parties and international Zionist organisations. WIZO, Hadassah and Maccabi will determine whether this resolution will pass. Abstaining from the vote is not enough: WIZO, Hadassah and Maccabi need to vote against this resolution in order to ensure that it is not adopted as KKL-JNF policy. These organisations have a seat at the table and their vote directly impacts the prospect of achieving peace in Israel/Palestine.

If this resolution is passed, millions of dollars will be poured into the purchasing of Palestinian land in the West Bank for the explicit purpose of expanding settlements and deepening the occupation. If passed, this resolution will be disastrous for Palestinian human rights and livelihoods, will expand the settlements and prevent progress towards peace.

We, the global Jewish community, are calling for WIZO, Hadassah and Maccabi to use their vote to say no to this resolution.

Add your name below to speak out against the KKL-JNF’s resolution and to demand WIZO, Hadassah and Maccabi vote against it on Thursday. We will be sending this letter local diaspora branches of these organisations imploring them to ask their world movements to vote no.



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